about shizit.net
shizit.net was the original url and website for the shizit. besides mp3.com, you could download new tracks here, buy new releases, and get p.o. box info to have an empty envelope stuffed with stickers. there was a very active forum, “the shizit militia” to discuss just about anything with like-minded people, as well as the band themselves. the forum was moderated by brian, name dropped by jp in the bridge of audio jihad ii. after 2002, the domain redirected to E115 records to sell off all remaining copies of soundtrack for the revolution. it remained this way for a few years before changing hands to slum lords, where it was squatted and served spam “search results” pages. this was the domain’s situation until very recently when the author of this site discovered it was available for purchase for a cool twelve dollars american.
this new site exists for both those who remember and who are new. the band doesn’t seem particularly interested in making this music available, but were entirely supportive when asked about putting this up. after all, these tracks have existed on file sharing networks for years, audio quality varying. so if you lost your softer cd years ago, you can still listen here. if the band was named dropped by the internet, a friend, an article, you can discover what they were about here.
thanks are in order to those who maintained the shizit militia fan pages in years past, keeping this music up for anyone who remembered. some of the information on this current site would not have been available without their work.
the author would like the shizit to know, should they ever read this page, that although they have both expressed some pride and embarrassment, as well as regret over the period of time they spent together at the turn of the millennium, their music succeeded. it spoke directly to the author and his group of friends, demanding we ask for more out of our politics and culture.
JP, Brian, you guys were the punk rock heroes we needed.
Shizit Extras
See below for bonus tracks, alternate downloads, and a list of materials I’m still looking for.
I have it:
- 1985, which was only released on mp3.com and thus the best quality only exists in 128kb/s. Get it here.
- the cover of ministry’s “just one fix” (this one is on streaming services, too). Download link.
- the alternate edit of “Audio Jihad II” from the “Don’t fuck with U.S.” compilation put out by Digital Hardcore Recordings. The mastering is a little different, and the bridge is re-edited. Download link.
- Scanned liner art / notes for SOFTER. Thanks to James who scanned and sent them over. I will append the current download with this art, but in the meantime I have already uploaded them to the album’s Discogs page.
- I have a high-res image of the Script Kiddie album cover. I always did and should have included it with the download, sorry friends. Download link.
- FLAC downloads. I have them for the most of the songs which were released to CD. It’s impossible for songs released via MP3, given the era. Here’s a quick link to SOFTER in FLAC, for the nerds.
- The posthumous D-TRASH releases can be found officially elsewhere. Here’s a link for Remixed for the Revolution, and one for Live at Club Spirit.
I don’t have it:
- That Shizit video game demo developed by Jeremy Ray. I have straight up never seen it with my own eyes and only know that it existed from secondary sources.
- If you have any photos or scans of sticker and t-shirt art, send it my way. I think there may have been a hoodie with some Audio Jihad II lyrics on it. I will re-draw or vectorize anything you send over. I plan on bootlegging these stickers with some sort of system to send you a stuffed envelope for free like the band did. If I get some well-photographed tee graphics and I get an okay from the band, I will screen print new shirts by hand and offer ’em up for as much as it costs me to print. This would be totally punk rock d.i.y. and above board with docs proving the cost of materials.
- The first Shizit Militia site had a complete show list and some (very early, very amusing) show photos I don’t think exist on the net anymore. Brian has photo albums from Fenix Underground, EMP, and the Alec Empire tour on his Flickr.
- I’m not super sure what video exists out there. There’s the Herdcore video, the EMP sky church show, live at club spirit, as well as a clip or two from the Alec Empire tour. Anyone know any more?
- The band did a radio interview for TotalRock way back. I never got to listen to it because it was in .rm format. Send it over if you have it.